Company founder and principal Susan Santucci is a learning specialist and author with over 20 years in the field, and degrees from Amherst College and Harvard University. An expert in SAT prep and ACT prep, Susan has helped thousands of students get into colleges, including Yale, Brown, Dartmouth, MIT, Duke and the University of Florida. Our tutors are talented Ivy League graduates who love teaching. They can customize a PSAT course for your child that should raise their scores and expand their college options.
You or your child may dislike the SAT, or Scholastic Aptitude Test. And the SAT only crudely measures scholastic aptitude; what it really measures is scholastic attitude. But the SAT test’s been here since 1926 and it’s not going anywhere, and so it’s important to know how to take both that test, and also its younger sibling, the PSAT (Preliminary SAT). The concepts and format of the new PSAT are nearly identical tothe SAT, so you can also think of it as the Practice SAT.
Since the content of the two exams is so similar, the one-on-one tutoring you receive at Ivy League will not only apply to the PSAT, but will provide a good foundation for you to build on as you study for the SAT later. The results of your PSAT exam will highlight specific strengths and weaknesses that you and one of our SAT tutors can use to create a roadmap for your SAT test prep.
The full name of the PSAT is the PSAT/NMSQT. The “NMSQT” stands for “National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Taking the PSAT automatically makes you eligible for highly prestigious National Merit Scholarships, which are based on student scores on the test as well as scholastic and extracurricular achievement. A first cut creates “semifinalists” and a second cut the “finalists.”
Colleges love to brag about how many Merit Finalists have chosen their schools and will often offer their own merit scholarships to attract finalists (and sometimes even semifinalists!). In fact, after one of our tutors became a finalist, she was accepted to the honors program of University of Central Florida without applying, with the guarantee of a full scholarship and a laptop upon arrival. For a list of schools that offer similar scholarships for finalists and semifinalists, you can visit this link:
There is no downside to taking the PSAT and there may be huge benefits. Our tutors will help you maximize your child’s PSAT scores and grades in the classroom. We know our stuff, and we know how to teach it to teenagers — we’ve been doing this since 1985. Give us the chance to help your teenager, too.
Find out upcoming PSAT test dates and start making a plan for your prep.
I will continue to tell all those preparing for the SATs about your tutoring because I think you are the best in Rhode Island! Thank you so much for everything you have taught me.